Amazing full replica Eagle on display!!

We’re thrilled that the EAGLE 6 team will be on-hand for our celebrations in just a few months time! These fine folks have constructed several incredible works down through the years, including the unbelievable Command Centre set. Their devotion to bring things to life for the fan community on only a small budget, along with supporting several charitable events and causes down through the years makes the end result that much more special, too!

Their current focus is the famous Eagle interior. This remarkable project has been spearheaded by Mr. Darrell Simmonds. It features amazing attention to detail and accuracy, with a love and passion invested that only true fans can fully appreciate!

Get up close and personal with Keith Wilson’s original design for the iconic Eagle cockpit on display this September. Depending on time and resources, Darrell also intends to bring along the walkway/corridor section AND full passenger pod for a fully immersive experience. A photo opportunity like no other….this has been a life-long dream for many fans around the world!

Coming to London, this September 13th, 2024.